Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Backround Of Colours :)

Well....Caleb having cake at his 1st birthday certainly is not helping me w/ my no chocolate eating...the cake was chocolate. But other than just now, i haven't had any choco or soda since tuesday :) Oh and, i found a song called the brightest green...hahahahahaha. If you have no idea what im talking about...well here i'll explain it...Once upon a time, i used to like this guy and i spelt his name backwards and started saying that instead of his real name so that he wouldn't know. And then i started doing that w/ all the guys i liked until i liked this one guy named riley. His name backwards is yelir...sounds like yellow!, and from that point on i started naming all of my crushes w/ colours :D There was yellow, then white, then orange, then blue, then green, BRIGHT GREEN, dark blue, bright blue, red, purple, and i pretty much used up all the colors! But the current guy's name is Bright Green :) so thats the story behind that! yupp! 25 more days of school!


  1. You've had a crush on all the colours of the rainbow!!

  2. Hey sweetie... it has nothing to do with chocolate and soda. (although I do like that you are limiting the soda intake) Get thee to a dermatologist! No reason to suffer. xox

  3. Laura...ha ha yea!

    Kelly...oh...ok then! that case ima go back to eating chocolate!...maybe less though. and Daddy probably wont be taking me to a dermatologist. haha

  4. I'll have a talk with him if you want. xo
